Mark your calendar, next meeting is Jan 7th 7pm
CHANGE OF LOCATION: At the request of several participants, we will be trying out a new location for the month. We will meet on the back patio of Howley's Restaurant, 4700 South Dixie Highway. Repeat: this is only a trial. Next month may return to Pegasus (as it turns out, a concern raised about the veal on the menu has turned out to be moot; they do not serve this item)
*FPL updates
For those who haven't heard yet, on 11/29 the County Commission voted unanimously to expand the West County Energy Center to 3800 megawatts, making it potentially the third largest fossil fuel power plant in the U.S. Along with several Chamber of Commerce people, The Marshall Foundation also spoke offering praises of FPL. It was a sad disgrace to Art Marshall's legacy of bold and thoughtful advocacy for the Everglades. Read a great article by Art Marshall on 'Energy and Growth' that was presented at the PBCEC meeting:
Ask the Marshall Foundation why they don't honor their namesake..
The Palm Beach Post has also been towing the line of FPL's greenwashing lately, ask them to start asking the hard questions..
Now more than ever, we are committed to fighting this FPL monstrosity to its death. And we could use your support.
-Can you make an online donations towards our legal battle at
-Can you make it to the next County Commission meeting for the final vote on the WCEC expansion to 3800MW (date TBA)
-Can you commit to joining the February 18 Call to Action for Restoration & Sustainanbility in the Everglades? Can you commit to bringing a friend to the protest? Can you commit to participating in civil disobedience? Read the Call to Action:
(more details TBA)
This will be discussed at the January meeting.
*Rock Mining
On Tuesday 12/4, mining in the EAA was delayed again… Keep the pressure on. Demand sheet-flow and re-connectivity for the southern Everglades ecosystem! There is a County Rock-Mining Summit planned for Feb (dates TBA)
*The Fight for Mecca from Continues…
Dec 13 BIG DEAL Meeting, SFWMD and County Commission joint meeting 9am-1pm at the County Convention Center to discuss all the most controversial environment/water issues you could think of. The PBCC will be focusing on the future of Mecca Farms. Rumor has it that there is a proposal for rock-mining for Mecca. The PBCEC will focusing on restoring Mecca as a corridor between the J.W. Corbett and Vavrus Ranch (as the Northeast Everglades Natural Area (NENA) plan recommends that Vavrus be protected.) Please call Environmental Resource Management (ERM) and ask them to stand up for restoring Mecca: 233-2400 and Please join us at the Convention Center 12/13. We are hoping to have a presence inside as well as out on the street to inform the public of the meeting. So bring signs, banners and bullhorns..
*Reef News
-Palm Beach Island wants to continue destroying endangered coastal ecosystems and species to create a façade of protection for their poorly planned Condos. Beach dredge and fill projects are dismal and expensive failures. The "Reach 8" project for South Palm Beach is being scrutinized and challenged by groups including Reef Rescue, Surfrider Foundation and Sierra Club. On Monday 12/10 at the Palm Beach Episcopal Church, 12 noon there was a public forum on the Reach 8 project.
-Thanks to pressure from groups like Reef Rescue, the DEP is saying they want to close all waste-water outfalls in Florida. The cities of Miami and Ft. Lauderdale are opposing them. The PBCEC supports Reef Rescues efforts. For more info check out
*Support Protests to Scrutinize FPL Security company
Activists affiliated with labor union SEIU spoke at our meeting about their campaign targeting our favorite bad guys regarding FPL's contracted security company Wackenhut for overworking employees at local Nuclear facilities, causing serious public safety risks.
*Celebrate the Longest Night!
Winter Solstice Party, Dec 21st, at 822 North C Street, Lake Worth (residence of PBCEC participants cara jennings and panagioti tsolkas). 7:30pm will be a potluck; 8:30pm solstice ceremony; after that, dance, dance, dance!! call for direction: 561-588-9666
*Fundraiser/Outreach Event, January 27th,
there are no new details on this event, but it is still in the works and looking for help in organizing it. It is shaping up to look for like a public debate/forum. Commissioner Bob Kanjian has expressed interest in a public debate. Anyone up for the challenge?
*Everglades Coalition is taking place Jan 10-14th.
There has been a resolution drafted, modifying last years WCEC Resolution. It will be presented at the Jan PBCEC meeting for feedback. Thanks to all those who donated so that PBCEC could have a representative there.
*Earth First! Winter Rendezvous and Organizes Conference is coming back to the Everglades this February. Check out their great website..
*Peace Calendar Fundraiser
January is just around the corner and we'll all be using new calendars. The 2008 Peace Calendar put out by the Syracuse Cultural Worker catalog is the perfect holiday gift for at least one person you know if not more. While you're at it, treat yourself to one. To purchase a calendar you can call 561-585-9325, or email
To view the 2008 Peace Calendar click on the following link, but keep in mind that in order for the PBC Environmental Coalition to receive proceeds of the sale, it would need to be purchased through the contact information listed above.
Thanks for supporting environmental efforts in Palm Beach County and elsewhere.